Friday, August 6, 2010


The blessed month of Ramadan is only days away. This year I feel a sense of peace and excitment for this blessed time and I am really looking forward to it.

I'm sad to say the past few ramadans I have really struggled with my faith, worship and motivation because I was going through hard times. This year I feel stronger, wiser and my imaan is higher alhamdulilah.

These are the things I want to do this year inshallah:

Read the Quran as much as I can

Pray with more kushoo

Have more patience

Read Islamic stories to my kids and give them a real sense of Ramadan this year

Help a needy person/family

Be generous in charity

Make dua

These are my goals. I'm putting them here because when I am lacking, tired, sad or fed up I can remind myself and stick to them.

May Allah give me the patience and strength to fulfill my goals. Ameen.

I wish you all a happy, blessed month. May Allah accept our fasts. Ameen.

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