Wednesday, August 4, 2010

The 'naughty' little boy

There is a little boy I know,  lets call him 'Ali'.

Ali attends the Islamic School I work at. He is five, quite intelligent for his age and very cute mashallah.

Ali is an angry boy. He lashes out at other students and even attacked his class teacher, so he was removed from the playground during recess and lunch break.

The teachers discussed what they were going to do with this 'troublesome, angry' little boy. So it was decided Ali needed to be supervised by a teacher during recess and lunch until they decided what they wanted to do next.

I was one of teachers chosen to supervise. My coordinator handed me the roster and there I saw my name. I  was on the roster three out of the five days. I felt annoyed and exasperated. I was busy enough! I looked forward to my recess and lunch break. I needed a break from my students to recharge, eat my lunch, have a cup of tea, have a nice chat with the other teachers and read my book.

So I went the first time and met this little boy. We went to the library and had a little chat. He told me he wanted to play a game on the computer. I put one on for him and watched him play. He was so determined to to do everything himself. He hated me doing anything for him on the computer, he was fiercely independent and well spoken for his age. There was no hint of the 'troublesome' little boy. Everything went smoothly and I took him back to class.

The following day it was the same thing. We chatted for a bit longer and he requested the same game. I felt my heart starting to warm to this little boy and wondered to myself why he was getting in so much trouble so I decided to enquire about his family background.

I asked one of the other teachers who was also responsible for supervising him. She proceeded to tell me that little Ali and his brother has been placed with foster parents. I immediately felt my heart drop and continued to listen. Ali's mother used to beat her sons and as a consequence the Department Of Community Services (DOCS) had taken Ali and his brother away from her and placed him with a muslim foster family.

Everything made sense to me. Ali was angry and lashed out at everybody because he had learned from his carer that violence was a normal part of life and it was the way you dealt with your emotions. I felt all my annoyance and exasperation melt away. I wanted to take this little boy in my arms and hug him but it was not permissible.

There is always a story behind each child's 'behavioural problem' and this was Ali's.

May Allah preserve, protect him and heal his trauma. May Allah protect all  children from abuse and harm and give them warm, loving parents.


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